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Indian Navy MiG-29K fighter jet crashes near Goa during routine training sortie

Russian Aviaton » Monday February 24, 2020 18:04 MSK
Indian Navy MiG-29K

While on a routine training sortie, a MiG 29K warplane crashed near Goa at February 23. The pilot of the aircraft ejected safely and has been recovered, according to the Indian Navy.

"On Sunday at around 10:30 am, a MIG-29k aircraft on a routine training sortie crashed off (the coast of) Goa. The pilot of the aircraft ejected safely and has been recovered. An inquiry to investigate the incident has been ordered," Indian Navy said in a statment.

The crash comes three months after another MiG 29k crashed outside a village in Goa in November 2019.

On November 16, an Indian Navy MIG trainer aircraft crashed outside a village in Goa. The aircraft crashed on a rocky plateau on the outskirts of Verna, 15 km from the state capital Panaji and a major tragedy was averted as the pilot pointed the aircraft away from populated areas. Even then, both the pilots had ejected safely.

The November 2019 crash occurred when the left engine flamed out while the right engine of the aircraft caught fire due to bird hit.

Another MiG-29k aircraft crashed in Goa in January 2018. The aircraft veered off the runway and crashed inside the INS Hamsa base. The trainee pilot managed to eject safely from the aircraft, which caught fire. Arrival and departure of civilian flights at the Goa airport were delayed due to the incident.