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After the shelling Russian airbase Hemeymim destroyed seven aircraft

Russian Aviaton » Thursday January 4, 2018 00:57 MSK

As a result of mortar shelling of the Russian airbase Khemeymim on December 31, seven aircraft were destroyed in Syria, Russian newspaper Kommersant reports referring to two military-diplomatic sources.

As a result of the attack, at least four Su-24 frontal bombers, two Su-35S multipurpose fighter aircraft and one An-72 military transport aircraft, as well as an ammunition depot, were destroyed. More than ten servicemen could get injuries, the newspaper notes.

The incident was not commented at the Russian Defense Ministry: the military only officially confirmed the death of two pilots who piloted the Russian Mi-24 helicopter that day.

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, there was no fire impact on the helicopter - Mi-24 helicopter crashed during a flight to Hama airfield due to a technical malfunction.

On December 11, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, ordered the withdrawal of troops.

In the single biggest loss of military hardware for Russia since it launched air strike in Syria in autumn 2015

It can be assumed that after the incident of the aircraft will be returned to Hmeymim for recovery crews grouping.