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Russia will deliver 14 Mi-26T2 heavy helicopters to Algeria

Russian Aviaton » Wednesday August 19, 2015 18:27 MSK
© Mi-26T2

Rostvertol (part of Russian Helicopters Holding Company) is implementing two contracts for delivery of upgraded Mi-26T2 heavy helicopters to Algeria, Interfax-AVN reports with reference to a source close to Russian military-industrial sector.

“The first contract includes delivery of six Mi-26T2 helicopters to the customer, the second one – 8 helicopters of the type,” the source explained.

He added that under the first contract the enterprise delivered the first two helicopters to Algeria this spring. “Two more vehicles of the type will be delivered this year, the rest two ones – in early 2016. After that implementation of the second contract will be started,” the source noted.

According to him, the contracts include not only deliveries of helicopters, but also personnel training.

“The second contract should be implemented in 2017. Thus, in two years Algeria will operate 14 Mi-26T2 helicopters,” the source said.