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UAC delivered the second An-148 jet to EMERCOM

Russian Aviaton » Tuesday November 5, 2013 17:37 MSK
An-148-100EM | © Vadim (

The new An-148-100EM aircraft was delivered to EMERCOM on November 1st 2013 after completion of official acceptance procedure. The jet performed ferry flight from the airfield of Voronezh Aircraft Production Association (VASO) to the airbase of EMERCOM located in Zhukovsky. The jet has a tail number RA-61717 (it was named after Ivan Kozhedub), press-service of United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) reports.

"This An-148-100EM is the second jet manufactured by UAC in the network of this state contract. This is the passenger/medevac version of the aircraft (it is fitted with 6 passenger seats and 6 medical modules). Five variants of cabin layout have been designed in accordance with the customer’s specification: two passenger versions seating from 35 to 51 passengers and three combined medical and passenger versions accommodating from 2 to 6 medical modules”, - the press-service noted.